Grandma’s Simple Cookbook:OMG EZ 120 Recipes (Kindle版)
作者: Mary Jo Montanye
Stolen Secrets (Sisters of Spirit) (Kindle版)
作者: Nancy Radke (著)
Happy Shorts: 120 Essays on Life, Love, Happiness, & Inspiration (Kindle版)
作者: Susan Spira (著)
A Little Bit Cupid (Entangled Bliss) (Kindle版)
作者: Jennifer Shirk (著)
Deadly Delicious (Kindle版)
作者: K. L. Kincy
The Crypt (The Sarah Roberts Series Book Three) (Kindle版)
作者: Jonas Saul (著)
Stepping Down (Kindle版)
作者: Michelle Stimpson (著)
Inescapable (Road to Kingdom Book #1) (Kindle版)
作者: Nancy Mehl (著)